NaYa guarantees your funds reach your care goals: eliminating hassles from sending care to loved ones in Africa from anywhere. Local patients? Conveniently access your health safety net to afford care when money is tight
See the top ways the diaspora, local caregivers and patients, like you,
find PEACE OF MIND when sending and receiving care with NaYa
Real-World Cases
Track record of transparent transfers of funds from US and CANADA donors to beneficiaries’ medical expenses in Cameroon
During COVID, donors in North America trusted NaYa to distribute essential medicines to pregnant women and children living with sickle cell disease. 30 families received medicines worth 700 000FCFA over 3-months between 2020 and 2021 with donors’ funds managed transparently through NaYa‘s platform. Check out the link to the GoFundMe campaign here.
* Listen to families who received medicines (FRENCH)
Making it affordable for everyone in Cameroon to access financial assistance when facing unexpected illness to cover the cost of their care.
200+ medicines accessed by patients with our health credits in Yaoundé, Cameroon
* Listen to a patient whose NaYa health credit helped keep his child healthy when disease struck, and money was short & from a retired grandmother about how NaYa health credit helped her maintain access to her monthly medication when money was tight
Trusted by decades old-established independent pharmacies
Pharmacie Bleue Plus, a reference pharmacy in Yaounde, located in front of the Hôpital general in Yaounde, was one of the first to join NaYa affiliated medical providers’ network.
* Listen to the pharmacy’s team on why they trust NaYa to help patients get well faster (FRENCH)
Recognition and Awards
Check how decades-old trusted organizations in Africa and North America recognize NaYa’s achievement in making healthcare delivery affordable in Africa
NaYa Limited remporte le premier prix de cette 10ème édition du POESAM au Cameroun organisé par le géant de Telecom ORANGE (FRENCH)
“I’m Launching a Mobile Service to Help Pregnant Women in Cameroon Get Access to Healthcare”
NaYa Limited, plateforme dédiée aux soins aux démunis, superstar du Prix Orange de l’entrepreneur social au Cameroun
Did you know
You could have a tax deduction when you buy and transfer health cards to African family members with NaYa? In France and Cameroon, the financial help you send home to pay for your mom’s and dad’s medical expenses could qualify for a tax deduction. Receipts from NaYa’s health card transfers make it easy to claim your Tax deduction!
Did you know
NaYa provides Zero(O)-deposit financial assistance to low-middle income patients to pay for medical expenses when short of cash since 2019 in Yaoundé? Read more
Did you know
You never lose your funds with NaYa health cards, unlike insurance premiums your health cards don’t expire! Making NaYa health cards a convenient vehicle to save for health-only future medical expenses. (Psst… There is no waiting period for using your funds)
Did you know
NaYa worked with 2 independent grassroots organizations in the diaspora (The Cowry Network, FRANCE) and in Douala (NTeALan, CAMEROON) to promote health during COVID Pandemic?
Discover this collaborative video initiative in local Cameroonian languages to help protect people against COVID. Read more
Beyond health credits our true value is access, giving access to quality equitable health to all, empowering caregivers, and providers to deliver the next level of care. YOU too can play a role.